King Arthur: Legend of the Sword (2017) Review

When I heard that Guy Richie was slapping together an Arthurian legend film, I was excited. From the moment I first saw the trailer in 2017 till recently, in 2022, I thought the film looked pretty poor. So, going into King Arthur: Legend of the Sword, I was sure I was going to hate it.... Continue Reading →

Star Trek: Picard Season 1 Review

While it has taken me some time to get round to watching Star Trek: Picard, I have done well to avoid any and all spoilers. Very well indeed. With that said, I will keep this review entirely free of any narrative based spoilers. What we all know, and what I knew going into this was... Continue Reading →

Red Dwarf: An Incomprehensive Review

My last review was a solid concise dissection of three seasons of TV classic (in my opinion), Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I figured why not dish a few more series’ out beginning with my all-time favourite, Red Dwarf. I will tell you now, I have a hell of a lot to say about this multi-decade... Continue Reading →

Buffy the Vampire Slayer (Season 1-3) Review

Ok, for a short-read format, choosing to review a whole season probably isn’t the most conducive. Choosing to review three in one go is just downright irresponsible. So, see this as less of a comprehensive review and more of a brief synopsis written to tempted you into binging a bit of brilliant television. Often touted... Continue Reading →

Ninja Scroll Review

Another classic anime for my review list, today we have Ninja Scroll. In a similar way to Street Fighter 2, this animated flick is a brawling spectacle. But, unlike the video game film, Ninja Scroll, released in 1993, has good narrative. In Tokogawa Japan, The Shogun of the Dark are hoping to overthrow the failing... Continue Reading →

Mortal Kombat (1995) Review

Is there any movie theme song out there that represents the Nineties better than Mortal Kombat’s does? If the Eighties had the uplifting cheese of The Eye of the Tiger, the Nineties had the banging techno vibes of The Immortal’s iconic dance track. As a 10-year-old in 1995, I can recall eagerly awaiting the release... Continue Reading →

The Justice League: Snyder Cut

The Justice League in all of its Zack Snyder glory has now been unleashed upon the world. Given that it is such a new entity I will not cover the film’s plot as I am sure there are some who are yet to watch it and do not need me point out any specific differences... Continue Reading →

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