
Hoot hoot.

Thank you all for venturing into the murky outreaches of the multiple regions that make up the Kingdom of Geeks, colloquially known as, Geekdom. Here at superSCOPE we’ve an array of aims that are both personal and communal. Primarily, content! We hope to deliver videos, music and articles on a regular basis in the hope that no matter the format or content, there will be something for all who immerse themselves in some element of geek culture.

As a community coming together in the name of all that is geekish, we of course have a quest. An evolving adventure that could very easily involve you! With gaming content our genesis it may come as no surprise that our quest lies within that realm. Having amassed a bunch of second-hand consoles, many of which are missing an item or more, it is our hope that with the aid of the community we can highlight and acquire what is missing. For more on this, and how you could get involved please visit out Quest page.

Perhaps mostly, this here website is just a place for me to dump some of my aging thoughts upon the world. But, via our YouTube and Facebook page I would like others to connect and interact. I’m open to all advice, offers of help and even writers so we can expand this spot.

Oli D


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